Thursday, April 28, 2011

Math Update Unit 9

We have started Unit 9 which has four main areas of focus: 
          * To multiply and divide with multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000
          * To use mental math to multiply
          * To share money, and
          * To find the products of 2-digit numbers

The students will be working with two strategies to solve multiplication problems with 2-digit numbers.  The strategies are known as partial products algorithm and the lattice method.  These methods may appear confusing at first but the students will achieve a level of success with each of them.  They will be able to choose to work with the method they are more comfortable with after exposure to both.  I need your help in getting your child to understand both of these strategies. As such I am reposting the link to EDM to help you help your child with questions on these strategies.  To help with computation:

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